- Author

Joel C. Rosenberg

About the Author

Joel C. Rosenberg (www.joelrosenberg.com) is a New York Times bestselling author of 13 novels and five nonfiction books, with nearly 5 million copies sold.He has been interviewed on hundreds of radio and TV shows, including ABC's Nightline, CNN, CNN Headline News, C-SPAN, Fox News, MSNBC, The History Channel, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Sean Hannity Show, and The Glenn Beck Show. His articles and columns have been published by National Review,FoxNews.com, CNN.com, the Jerusalem Post, World magazine, and the Washington Times, among others. He has been profiled by the New York Times, the Washington Times, and the Jerusalem Post.Joel has spoken to audiences and met...

- Books

The Kremlin Conspiracy: A Markus Ryker Novel, Book 1


New York Times bestselling author Joel C. Rosenberg returns with a high-stakes political thriller set in Russia.

Everything he learned to protect the president, he must use to take out theirs.

With an American president distracted by growing tensions in North Korea and Iran, an ominous new threat is emerging in Moscow. A czar is rising in the Kremlin, a Russian president feverishly consolidating power, silencing his opposition, and plotting a brazen and lightning-fast military strike that could rupture the NATO alliance and bring Washington and Moscow to the brink of nuclear war. But in his blind spot is the former U.S. Secret Service agent, Marcus Ryker, trained to protect but ready to kill to save his country.

The Libyan Diversion


The world’s most wanted terrorist is dead. Marcus Ryker recommended the drone strike himself. The intelligence was rock-solid. But what if it was wrong?

Abu Nakba—the man responsible for lethal attacks in Washington, D.C., London, and Jerusalem—is finally dead. Marcus Ryker has been tasked with hunting down and destroying what’s left of the terror group Kairos.

But before Ryker can mobilize his team of CIA operatives with their new assignment, a disturbing report from Libya suggests all may not be as it seems. The U.S. bombing that should have taken out Nakba’s headquarters now appears to have been a disastrous mistake—and Ryker himself may be responsible.

With Kairos gearing up for a major retaliatory strike against the U.S., time is short, and terror cells may already be inside American borders. But Ryker won’t be able to stop this threat until he clears his own name, and his closest ally inside the White House can no longer help him.

The Libyan diversion threatens to leave Ryker on the sidelines just when his country needs him most.

Packed with action and intrigue, this thriller novel is everything Joel’s fans have come to expect.

Cospirazione Cremlino


Il nuovo presidente russo minaccia la pace. Solo l’ex agente dei servizi segreti Marcus Ryker potrà fermarlo. A ogni costo.
Alla Casa Bianca c’è grande attenzione per le crescenti tensioni in Corea del Nord e in Iran. Mentre il presidente americano è impegnato a monitorare la situazione potenzialmente esplosiva, a Mosca sono in corso piani per sfruttare la situazione. Al Cremlino, infatti, sta avanzando un nuovo zar. Un presidente russo che consolida il suo potere, mettendo a tacere l’opposizione con il pugno di ferro. E le trame che vengono ordite in segreto minacciano di scardinare l’intero equilibrio internazionale. I russi, infatti, stanno organizzando un’eclatante e fulminea azione militare che potrebbe rompere l’alleanza nato e portare Washington e Mosca sull’orlo di una guerra nucleare. C’è solo una cosa che gli astuti servizi segreti russi non hanno previsto: l’ex agente statunitense Marcus Ryker conosce i loro piani e intende fermarli a ogni costo. Prima che si scateni una crisi globale inarrestabile. Perché, anche se Ryker è stato addestrato a salvare vite umane, questa volta è disposto anche a uccidere.
«Rosenberg è molto abile ad ambientare le sue storie nel mondo reale, come ha fatto magistralmente in questo libro. Il romanzo presenta il peggior scenario immaginabile. Tutti gli americani, in particolare il Presidente, i membri del Congresso e la nostra squadra di sicurezza nazionale, dovrebbero essere consapevoli della minaccia che una Russia fuori controllo rappresenta per la pace e la libertà.»

- Book Trailers

Joel Rosenberg | The Libyan Diversion

Abu Nakba—the man responsible for lethal attacks in Washington, D.C., London, and Jerusalem—is finally dead. Marcus Ryker has been tasked with hunting down and destroying what’s left of the terror group Kairos.

But before Ryker can mobilize his team of CIA operatives with their new assignment, a disturbing report from Libya suggests all may not be as it seems. The U.S. bombing that should have taken out Nakba’s headquarters now appears to have been a disastrous mistake—and Ryker himself may be responsible.

With Kairos gearing up for a major retaliatory strike against the U.S., time is short, and terror cells may already be inside American borders. But Ryker won’t be able to stop this threat until he clears his own name, and his closest ally inside the White House can no longer help him.

The Libyan diversion threatens to leave Ryker on the sidelines just when his country needs him most.

Packed with action and intrigue, this thriller novel is everything Joel’s fans have come to expect.

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